Returns / Exchange
If you find that any product you have ordered is unsuitable, don’t worry, we have a flexible return policy and are very happy to help you choose something else. We are happy to offer a refund or in-store credit on any full-price item(s) returned to us in perfect condition, unused, with tags within 14 days of receipt of your order with proof of purchase. Faulty or defective items without use may be returned within 14 days of receipt of your order with proof of purchase.
When returning an item, ensure all seals, tags are left intact and the item is in its original packaging.
Purchases made in a store may only be returned/exchanged in a store
Returns of items purchased online can be made at one of our stores or online, however, the client will be charged for return shipping fees.
When returning an online order you can call us on +201118818863 or text us using WhatsApp on the same number or send us
Ordering & Shipping
Once you place your order you will receive a confirmation email
Online orders are processed as soon as they are placed (within working hours Sunday to Thursday 9AM till 4PM )
The order then starts getting processed, packed then sent to the courier
You will then receive a shipping confirmation email
Courier then takes 1-2 business days to deliver
When cancelling an order, please contact us through Whatsapp or email. If the order has been fully processed, unfortunately, we won’t be able to cancel it. You can then follow the return policy